Monday, 23 February 2009

Dax Moy's Muscle In A Month Program Day 22 - DOMS Rating 5

Hips still a little sore, hamstrings stiff from yesterday's harrups!

If, a month ago, someone had proposed a session like today's, I'd''ve looked at it and thought - ok, but I'll need a week's recovery. However, I cruised through today's session and I'm ready for tomorrow. Isn't it funny that our limits are set by what other people tell us is possible? Struggled through more press up today, interspersed with high volume barbell curls. Then core work interpsersed with tricep pushdowns. Got done in around an hour. Pleased with the session and slightly less sore than yesterday.

Today's Measurements:

Weight: 1975 lbs - up.5 (increased carbs yesterday)
Body fat %: 21

Chest: 46

Waist: 39

Hips: 42

Right thigh: 26 & 19

Left thigh: 26 & 18.5

Right calf: 16.5

Left calf: 16.5

Right arm: 13.5

Left arm: 13.5

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